
India and COVID–19

India’s Economy and the Pandemic: Key Risks

India’s Economy and the Pandemic: Key Risks

By Puja Mehra, Prachi Priya, and Abhijnan Rej
A new DRI report presents a comprehensive examination of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Indian economy. An excerpt.
India Must Rethink Its Pandemic Vaccination Strategy

India Must Rethink Its Pandemic Vaccination Strategy

By Mohamed Zeeshan
The country must ditch its tech-centric approach and instead draw from its past successes in mass vaccination.

India’s Air Force Steps Forward as Citizens Scramble for Oxygen

India’s Air Force Steps Forward as Citizens Scramble for Oxygen

By Rajeev Bhattacharya
The Indian Air Force so far has carried out 98 sorties from 11 countries to airlift oxygen-related supplies and other equipment for use back home.

India’s Economy Begins to Feel Pandemic Second Wave Pinch

India’s Economy Begins to Feel Pandemic Second Wave Pinch

By Prachi Priya
Just as the Indian economy was beginning to show signs of recovery following last year’s disastrous downturn, a second COVID-19 wave could undo the gains.

India Grieves 200,000 Dead, With Likely Many More Uncounted

India Grieves 200,000 Dead, With Likely Many More Uncounted

By Sheikh Saaliq, Krutika Pathi, and Aniruddha Ghoshal
Information about where people were getting infected and dying could have helped India better prepare for the current surge, an expert noted.
India Rolls Out New COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Rampant Skepticism

India Rolls Out New COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Rampant Skepticism

By Sudha Ramachandran
The country’s approval of two vaccines whose efficacies are not completely known has prompted many to accuse the Modi government of vaccine nationalism.

India Says It May Approve Vaccine in Weeks, Outlines Plan

India Says It May Approve Vaccine in Weeks, Outlines Plan

By Associated Press
Three vaccine companies have applied for early approval in India.
India’s Rich Prosper During the Pandemic While Its Poor Stand Precariously at the Edge

India’s Rich Prosper During the Pandemic While Its Poor Stand Precariously at the Edge

By Bansari Kamdar
COVID-19 is increasing India’s economic inequality – which was very high even before the pandemic.

India’s Capital Crematoriums Overwhelmed With Virus Dead

India’s Capital Crematoriums Overwhelmed With Virus Dead

By Associated Press
New Delhi’s surge in COVID-19 cases is quickly overwhelming funerary capacities around the city.

Amid Virus, Those in India’s Largest Slum Help One Another

Amid Virus, Those in India’s Largest Slum Help One Another

By Associated Press
Dharavi, India’s largest slum, has been hard-hit by the pandemic.

India’s Turn Toward Economic ‘Self-Reliance’

India’s Turn Toward Economic ‘Self-Reliance’

By Ankit Panda
What's India's new "self-reliance" talk about?
In Looking Beyond Its Lockdown, India Can Look to Its Past Public Health Successes

In Looking Beyond Its Lockdown, India Can Look to Its Past Public Health Successes

By Mohamed Zeeshan
India needs a long-term exit strategy to break out of its lockdown.

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