India Australia

Will the West Isolate New Delhi Amid the India-Canada Row?
By Rushali Saha
Given deep linkages in multifaceted directions, the derailment of India’s ties with Western countries would require geopolitical realignment, which seems unlikely at this stage.

India’s Spying Upsurge Can Complicate Security Ties With the West
By Mohamed Zeeshan
Espionage is standard fare for almost all global powers, but China and India stand out for their specific interests in their country's mammoth diaspora.

Australia and India Must Do More to Help Ease Each Other’s Predicaments
By Abhijnan Rej
The bilateral relationship is on a strong footing. Time has come to add more meat to it.

New Think Tank Report Presents Ambitious Agenda for Australia-India Tech Cooperation
By Abhijnan Rej
As China’s tech lead help push its international agenda, other Indo-Pacific powers see opportunities for collaboration.

Will India Now Finally Invite Australia to the Malabar Exercise?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New reports have surfaced regarding a previously headline-grabbing, controversial development.

India and Australia Defense Relations: Towards a Common Vision of an Open Indo-Pacific Region?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite differences that remain, there is clear evidence of growing strategic convergence by both countries in the security realm.
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