
India BJP

India’s Supreme Court Restores Faith in Rule of Law

India’s Supreme Court Restores Faith in Rule of Law

By Kavita Chowdhury
In a historic verdict, it has quashed the release of the 11 rapists of Bilkis Bano during the 2002 riots in Gujarat.

Muqtedar Khan on Why Religious Nationalism Is Poisoning South Asia

Muqtedar Khan on Why Religious Nationalism Is Poisoning South Asia

By Sudha Ramachandran
“The current plight of Indian Muslims is a direct consequence of Jinnah’s vision and the emergence of copycat Hindu nationalism, which essentially embraces the same idea of religious nationalism.”
Indian Wrestlers Demanding Arrest of Sports Official for Sexual Abuse Suspend Protests

Indian Wrestlers Demanding Arrest of Sports Official for Sexual Abuse Suspend Protests

By Sheikh Saaliq
The sports minister promised a swift probe into alleged sexual harassment by Wrestling Federation of India Chief and BJP parliamentarian Brij Bhushan Singh.

Is Hindutva Justifying al-Qaida’s Ghazwa-e-Hind Narrative?

Is Hindutva Justifying al-Qaida’s Ghazwa-e-Hind Narrative?

By Shafi Md Mostofa
The jihadist group is attacking Hindutva aggression in India in its publications.

Modi’s BJP Sweeps Gujarat State Elections

Modi’s BJP Sweeps Gujarat State Elections

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
However, the party was ousted from power in Himachal Pradesh state and the Delhi municipal corporation.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Enforced Vegetarianism in India

Enforced Vegetarianism in India

By Kavita Chowdhury
Meat shops and slaughter houses in Gurugram near New Delhi will stay shut for nine days during a Jain religious festival.

India Prepares to Elect Its 15th President

India Prepares to Elect Its 15th President

By Tarushi Aswani
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate, Draupadi Murmu, who is a tribal woman, is poised to win.
India’s Hindutva Groups Have the Gyanvapi Mosque in Their Crosshairs

India’s Hindutva Groups Have the Gyanvapi Mosque in Their Crosshairs

By Tarushi Aswani
Hindutva groups are laying claim to a growing number of sites where Muslim monuments and mosques stand, arguing that temples once stood on the same land.

In Nepal, Calls Grow for the Restoration of a Hindu State

In Nepal, Calls Grow for the Restoration of a Hindu State

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
A resurgent Hindu nationalism in the former Hindu kingdom is drawing strength from India’s ruling BJP.

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