India BJP government

Muqtedar Khan on Why Religious Nationalism Is Poisoning South Asia
By Sudha Ramachandran
“The current plight of Indian Muslims is a direct consequence of Jinnah’s vision and the emergence of copycat Hindu nationalism, which essentially embraces the same idea of religious nationalism.”

Modi Silent as India’s Women Wrestlers Grapple with Sexual Harassment by BJP MP
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
While the accused politician, who heads the Wrestling Federation of India, has refused to resign, the protesters threatened to continue the stir till they get justice.

BJP Government is Rewriting Indian History Selectively
By Kavita Chowdhury
References to the 2002 anti-Muslim Gujarat riots under BJP rule have been deleted from textbooks while anti-Sikh riots under Congress rule have been retained.

The Grim Reality of Sexual Violence for India’s Dalit Women
By Kavita Chowdhury
Even as the BJP government celebrates International Women’s Day, yet another Dalit gang rape victim is denied justice.

Co-Founder of Fact-Checking Website Arrested in India
By Sudha Ramachandran
Mohammed Zubair’s work, which was critical of the government and outed peddlers of fake news, seems to have ruffled feathers.

Bulldozers Emerge as an Important Weapon in BJP’s Anti-Muslim Arsenal
By Kavita Chowdhury
The demolition of properties owned by Muslims was electorally rewarded in Uttar Pradesh. The tactic is being adopted in other parts of India now too.
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