
INDIA bloc

How the RSS Propelled the BJP to Power in Delhi State Elections

How the RSS Propelled the BJP to Power in Delhi State Elections

By Sudha Ramachandran
While political parties engaged in high-decibel mud-slinging at each other, RSS cadres engaged people face-to-face in meetings in their homes. It worked.
Decoding India’s Elections: How Modi’s Grip Loosened 

Decoding India’s Elections: How Modi’s Grip Loosened 

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Modi's BJP lost its majority, meaning it will be heavily dependent on allies this term.

Modi Wins But Is Shackled. Muslims Get Respite From Hindutva

Modi Wins But Is Shackled. Muslims Get Respite From Hindutva

By Muqtedar Khan
The election result will restore the faith of Indian Muslims in their own power to shape politics. Their overwhelming vote for the opposition helped prevent a landslide victory for Hindutva.

India Votes in Second Phase of National Elections

India Votes in Second Phase of National Elections

By Ashok Sharma
Around 160 million people in 88 constituencies across 13 states are eligible to vote in this phase of the election.

After Initial Setback, India’s Opposition Alliance Starts Taking Shape

After Initial Setback, India’s Opposition Alliance Starts Taking Shape

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Over the past week, the Congress party has sealed seat-sharing deals with AAP and the SP. Will it clinch a deal with the TMC too?
India’s Opposition-free Parliament

India’s Opposition-free Parliament

By Kavita Chowdhury
The Narendra Modi administration suspended 146 opposition members of parliament for demanding answers from the government. Then it pushed through controversial legislation.

Wind Is Back in the Sails of India’s Congress Party

Wind Is Back in the Sails of India’s Congress Party

By Kavita Chowdhury
Over the past decade, the party seemed like a rudderless ship. That has changed. There is a new-found aggression in the party.
Is India’s Ruling BJP Getting Jittery?

Is India’s Ruling BJP Getting Jittery?

By Sudha Ramachandran
The Modi government has announced a special session of Parliament. Is it planning to advance general elections?

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