India castes

What Attempts to Measure India’s Caste System Get Wrong
By Shareen Joshi
Modern surveys on caste can feel like inadvertent replications of a colonial mistake.

Counting Castes in India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
An Indian government commission is trying to make sense of the caste data.

Dalit Protest Over Gujarat Attack
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
A recent incident has sparked outrage.

India: Violence Against Dalits on the Rise
By Hanne Couderé
Despite robust laws, violence against India's most oppressed people continues to rise.
A Dalit’s Suicide Sparks Protests in India
By Roshni Kapur
Rohith Vemula arose as an icon of civil disobedience against discrimination, injustice, and hatred.

Ambedkar Museum: Shared Memorial and Divided Memory
By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s next museum has opened in London to commemorate a great, yet controversial statesman.
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