India China border

Fresh Round of India-China Military Commanders’ Talks Hint at a New Status Quo on their Border
By Abhijnan Rej
A joint statement after the meeting does not mention restoration of status quo in eastern Ladakh – an omission consistent with hardening Chinese position.

Indian and Chinese Foreign Ministers Fail to Achieve Breakthrough in Ladakh Crisis
By Abhijnan Rej
The joint statement after the Moscow meeting on September 10 shows modest positive gains for India.

China’s Insurgency Card in India’s Northeast Is Overhyped
By Avinash Paliwal
Even if China decides to increase military and financial support for insurgents in India’s Northeast, it will find it difficult to alter the security situation there.

Is China Behind a Recent Insurgent Attack in India’s Northeast?
By Avinash Paliwal
China’s support for insurgent groups in India’s Northeast has a murky history.

Why the ‘Old Normal’ Along the Sino-Indian Border Can No Longer Stand
By Ankit Panda
China’s fait accompli in Eastern Ladakh has disintegrated more than two decades of bilateral mechanisms and understandings.

Glimpses of Kaho: A Village Along the Line of Actual Control on the India-China Border
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Kaho is a village on the easternmost tip of India.

What’s Behind the Latest India-China Border Tensions?
By Associated Press
What’s driving tensions between Asia‘s two giants?

The Doklam Standoff Between India and China Is Far From Over
By Ankit Panda
The troops may have stepped back, but the China-India dispute in the Himalayas is far from over.

2017 Might Mark a Turning Point for Connectivity in Northeast India
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
The Indian northeast's fortunes are looking up amid a concerted connectivity push.
India-China Border: Another PLA Incursion?
By Ankit Panda
Plus, the OPM breach, Japan's navy in Southeast Asia, and North Korea's compact nuclear weapon. Security reads you may have missed.

Establishing Quid Pro Quo on the India-China Border
By Abanti Bhattacharya
Establishing Indian sovereignty in Arunachal Pradesh could solidify Chinese claims in Tibet.

India’s New Mountain Strike Corps: Conventional Deterrence
Recent border incursions prompt India to bolster its conventional deterrence.