India cybersecurity

Maritime Cybersecurity: An Emerging Area of Concern for India
By Abhishek Sharma
In India, cybersecurity still does not attract the attention it needs – let alone cybersecurity of the maritime domain and its assets.

Securing India’s Digital Future: Cybersecurity Urgency and Opportunities
By Shruti Sharma
Despite the looming specter of cyber attacks in India, there exists untapped potential and opportunities that the nation can harness to bolster cybersecurity.

India’s Cyber Vulnerabilities Grow
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Unless India makes cybersecurity and security of information and data a priority, the consequences will be severe.

Ransomware: A Wake-Up Call for Cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific
By Sachin Tiwari
From the attack on AIIMS in India to the cyberattack that crippled Vanuatu, the national security threat of ransomware is clear.

Cyberattack on Top Indian Hospital Highlights Security Risk
By Associated Press
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences was crippled for nearly two weeks following a hack into servers that store patient records.

Upgrading Digital India’s Cybersecurity Model
By Connor Fairman
After weathering two major cyberattacks this fall, India needs to step up its cybersecurity measures.

India’s Response to China’s Cyber Attacks
By Elizabeth Radziszewski, Brendan Hanson, and Salman Khalid
Among enduring rivals, sometimes less of a response is more – but only in the short term.

Indian Digital Privacy in Jeopardy
By Nikhil Sud
New initiatives underway in India pose potential threats to privacy, free speech, and investment.
Revealed: China Spies on India and ASEAN Member States
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report details cyberattacks of a sophisticated group of hackers with alleged ties to the Chinese government.

India Scrambles on Cyber Security
By Amit R. Saksena
One of the most targeted countries in the world, India is beginning to act on the cyber threat.
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