India fake news

How Aceh’s About-face on Rohingya Refugees Echoes in India
By Angshuman Choudhury
Right-wing disinformation networks in India are using events in Indonesia to revive fake news and hate speech campaigns targeting the Muslim minority group.

How India’s Elite Competition Poisoned the Internet
By Pallavi Shahi
Ever wonder why India has so many internet shutdowns? It’s because, to an increasing degree, online discourse is being used to incite real-world violence.

Fake News in India and Indonesia's Elections 2019
By Jennifer Yang Hui and Pravin Prakash
In both countries, social media platforms are fertile ground for disinformation and hoaxes.

WhatsApp, Fake News? The Internet and Risks of Misinformation in India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Should WhatsApp be singled out for India's fake news problem?

Fake News and India’s Democracy
By Juhi Ahuja
Disinformation campaigns could have a serious impact on India’s electoral system.

How Fake News Spreads in India
By Alisha Sachdev from StoriesAsia
Clickbait, votes, WhatsApp journalism: Your primer on what really drives fake news in India.
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