
India global leadership

Asia’s Security Order According to India

Asia’s Security Order According to India

By Jagannath Panda and Richard Ghiasy
New Delhi’s vision for a multilateral, multipolar Asia aims at ensuring it can both balance China’s growing dominance in the region and restore its historic status in Asia.
Forging New Alliances: India’s BRICS Summit Diplomacy in Russia

Forging New Alliances: India’s BRICS Summit Diplomacy in Russia

By Vivek N.D.
Prime Minister Modi’s trip to Russia for the BRICS summit is critical as India seeks to deepen strategic ties with Russia, engage with China, and contribute to global governance reforms.

India’s Struggle to Find a Meaningful Role in Southeast Asia

India’s Struggle to Find a Meaningful Role in Southeast Asia

By Sandeep Bhardwaj
To establish itself as a significant actor in the region, India needs to consciously seek common ground with Southeast Asian countries on fundamental questions of regional order. 

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

By Arvind Mohan
The BJP has consistently used its foreign policy credentials to bolster its domestic popularity, but the difference is mostly one of style rather than substance.

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

By Sheikh Saaliq
India’s shift toward support for Israel risks putting it out of step with the developing world.
The Israel-Palestine Conflagration Is a Cautionary Tale for India’s Global Ambitions

The Israel-Palestine Conflagration Is a Cautionary Tale for India’s Global Ambitions

By Chietigj Bajpaee
The eruption of war in Israel and Gaza is a dark reminder that buried conflicts – like India’s disputes with Pakistan and China – can erupt at any time. 

India’s Rising Geopolitical Clout Will Be Tested as It Hosts the G-20 Summit

India’s Rising Geopolitical Clout Will Be Tested as It Hosts the G-20 Summit

By Krutika Pathi
By focusing on issues affecting developing countries, like food and fuel insecurity and debt, India is projecting itself as the leader of the Global South.
As the Quad Blossoms, Why Does BRICS Matter for India?

As the Quad Blossoms, Why Does BRICS Matter for India?

By Abhishek Sharma and Moksh Suri
BRICS’ development-focused diplomacy allows India to pursue a broader agenda than the Quad – and one more focused on the concerns of developing countries.

India’s G20 Presidency: Giving Voice to the Global South

India’s G20 Presidency: Giving Voice to the Global South

By Akanksha Singh
India has made clear that it wants to use its G-20 presidency to give voice to concerns of the Global South.

Raisina Dialogue Highlights India’s Global Balancing Act

Raisina Dialogue Highlights India’s Global Balancing Act

By Sarang Shidore
India pitched its identity as both a stalwart U.S. partner and a core member of the Global South.

2023 Should Be India’s Year

2023 Should Be India’s Year

By Raymond E. Vickery, Jr.
As president of the G-20 and the SCO this year, India is in a position to project global leadership. But it will need to strengthen its economic heft and use it to promote peace and security.
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