India global status

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation
By Siddharthya Roy
Modi’s assertive foreign policy approach has redefined India's image to that of a more proactive global player. But can India live up to the hype?

India’s Rising Geopolitical Clout Will Be Tested as It Hosts the G-20 Summit
By Krutika Pathi
By focusing on issues affecting developing countries, like food and fuel insecurity and debt, India is projecting itself as the leader of the Global South.

India in the Security Council: Time to Step Up
By Bidisha Biswas and Anish Goel
To be perceived as a major power, India must articulate a clear vision of a world order, something that it has not so far done.

India’s Renewed Embrace of the Non-Aligned Movement
By Ashutosh Nagda
Prime Minister Modi’s participation at the NAM virtual summit hints at a tactical shift in his foreign policy.

Alyssa Ayres on India’s Growing Global Power
By Catherine Putz
Ayres discusses India’s progress toward becoming a “leading power” and what New Delhi brings to the global table.

Power Shift: India's Nominee Re-Elected to ICJ
By Harsh V. Pant
The UK withdrawing its candidate to the ICJ is a tribute to smart and aggressive diplomacy by India.

Can the Nuclear Deal With Japan Get India Into the Nuclear Suppliers Group?
By Baisali Mohanty
How far does the bilateral deal go in legitimizing India as a nuclear state?
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