India LGBTQ rights

On LGBTQ+ Issues, India Needs to Look Back to Look Ahead
By Sujit Bhar
Indian society today has forgotten its past, its glorious history, and its ability to understand and accommodate the many facets of life.

India’s Supreme Court Refuses to Legalize Same-sex Marriage
By Krutika Pathi
It is up to Parliament to decide whether it should expand marriage laws to same-sex unions, the apex court said.

India’s Proposed New Penal Code Fails to Protect LGBTQ+ Rights
By Kanav Narayan Sahgal
The proposed replacement for the IPC misses an opportunity to shed colonial vestiges of oppression against sexual minorities.

Same-Sex Marriage Will Cause ‘Complete Havoc,’ Says Indian Government
By Kavita Chowdhury
Gay relationships are legal in India. The government is now opposing the legalization of same-sex unions in the Supreme Court.
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