India-Pakistan disputes

Climate-Proofing the India-Pakistan Indus Water Treaty
By Smiti Mathur
Failing to address the impact of climate change could lead to migration crises, supply chain disruptions, and even trigger a conflict between the two neighbors.

The Israel-Palestine Conflagration Is a Cautionary Tale for India’s Global Ambitions
By Chietigj Bajpaee
The eruption of war in Israel and Gaza is a dark reminder that buried conflicts – like India’s disputes with Pakistan and China – can erupt at any time.

India and Pakistan Join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization At Last. So What?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
What are the costs and benefits of having India and Pakistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

Modi in Lahore, the Attacks at Pathankot, and India-Pakistan Ties in 2016
By Ankit Panda
Michael Kugelman joins Ankit Panda to discuss the prospects for India-Pakistan relations in 2016.

Coalition of the Unwilling: Pakistan and India Bring Confrontation to the SCO
By Umair Jamal
India and Pakistan joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization won't smooth the forum's transformation.
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