
India-Pakistan rivalry

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India, Pakistan Defense Ministers Take Part in SCO Meeting

India, Pakistan Defense Ministers Take Part in SCO Meeting

By Shannon Tiezzi
It was the first time new members India and Pakistan sent their top defense officials to the gathering.
A Peaceful Afghanistan Key to Regional Connectivity in South and Central Asia

A Peaceful Afghanistan Key to Regional Connectivity in South and Central Asia

By M. Ashraf Haidari
Afghanistan's security and prosperity depends on its neighbors, and vice versa.

China Will Regret India’s Entry Into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

China Will Regret India’s Entry Into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

By Derek Grossman
Given current tensions between China and India, New Delhi's inclusion will cause headaches for Beijing.

Can Pakistan Afford CPEC?

Can Pakistan Afford CPEC?

By K.S. Venkatachalam
There are concerns that the secretive agreement will lead to unsustainable debt for Pakistan while China reaps the benefits.

Is SAARC Doomed?

Is SAARC Doomed?

By Sankalp Gurjar
Rather than deal with Pakistan, India seems to be abandoning SAARC in favor of BIMSTEC.
India’s Cautious Engagement Is Costly for Afghanistan and the Region

India’s Cautious Engagement Is Costly for Afghanistan and the Region

By Ghulam Farooq Mujaddidi
India's reluctance to provide military aid is endangering Afghanistan and encouraging Pakistan's bad behavior.

Pakistan and China: Don't Fear Chabahar Port

Pakistan and China: Don't Fear Chabahar Port

By Ahmad Bilal Khalil
A closer look at what Iran's Chabahar port deal with India and Afghanistan really means for China and Pakistan's CPEC.
Kashmir’s Cross-Border Barter Trade

Kashmir’s Cross-Border Barter Trade

By Ishfaq Naseem
Cross-LoC trade between India- and Pakistan-administered Kashmir goes on, despite frequent cross-border skirmishes.

Is Pakistan’s Stability in India’s Interest?

Is Pakistan’s Stability in India’s Interest?

By Umair Jamal
The thought of a failed nuclear-armed state next door is worrying India more and more.

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