
India politics

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Aam Aadmi Party’s Right-Turn

Aam Aadmi Party’s Right-Turn

By Tarushi Aswani
Its "soft Hindutva" rhetoric is aimed at drawing Hindu votes.
How India’s Opposition Parties Are Strengthening the BJP

How India’s Opposition Parties Are Strengthening the BJP

By Niranjan Marjani
Since 2014, India's opposition parties have had one goal: Unseat the BJP. But all their actions to date have been counterproductive.

Equality or Fraternity? Challenges of India’s New Constituency Delimitation

Equality or Fraternity? Challenges of India’s New Constituency Delimitation

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s constituency delimitation process will be torn between the ideals of equal representation and protecting minority groups.

BJP Goes to Town With Modi’s Birthday Bash

BJP Goes to Town With Modi’s Birthday Bash

By Neeta Lal
The public-facing celebration “amounts to a personality cult hitherto unseen in contemporary Indian politics.”

Free Indian Movies From the Censors

Free Indian Movies From the Censors

By Aditya Sharma
Indian movies, the artistic escape of a billion people, are controlled by the government cheerleaders and dour moralists of the Censor Board.
The Politics of India’s Record-Setting Olympics

The Politics of India’s Record-Setting Olympics

By Neeta Lal
Indian politicians are rushing to claim credit for the country’s sports heroes.

Trial by Pandemic: Uttar Pradesh Polls Big Test For BJP

Trial by Pandemic: Uttar Pradesh Polls Big Test For BJP

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The 2022 elections in UP may indicate whether the BJP’s popularity has been dented in any way by the pandemic.
India’s Modi Drops 12 Cabinet Ministers in Massive Reshuffle

India’s Modi Drops 12 Cabinet Ministers in Massive Reshuffle

By Ashok Sharma
The shake-up came as Modi's government faced increasing criticism for its handling of the pandemic.

Role Reversal: The Indian National Congress Should Build Its Own RSS

Role Reversal: The Indian National Congress Should Build Its Own RSS

By Krzysztof Iwanek
To counter the ruling BJP, the Indian National Congress should take a page out of its book – and bolster its social engagement.

The Making of Brand Modi

The Making of Brand Modi

By Asim Ali
Narendra Modi has created one of the most powerful political brands in India’s history. But that centralization of power creates its own weaknesses.

Post-Politics or the Politics of Posting: Indian Politics on the Web

Post-Politics or the Politics of Posting: Indian Politics on the Web

By Krzysztof Iwanek
What does India’s ruling party’s guidebook tell us about the era of social media we live in?
The Tipu Sultan Party: In Search of a ‘Secular Sultan’

The Tipu Sultan Party: In Search of a ‘Secular Sultan’

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The image of Tipu Sultan ranges from one extreme to another: a freedom fighter and a secular ruler or a bigoted tyrant.

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