India sexual harassment

Indian Wrestlers Demanding Arrest of Sports Official for Sexual Abuse Suspend Protests
By Sheikh Saaliq
The sports minister promised a swift probe into alleged sexual harassment by Wrestling Federation of India Chief and BJP parliamentarian Brij Bhushan Singh.

Modi Silent as India’s Women Wrestlers Grapple with Sexual Harassment by BJP MP
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
While the accused politician, who heads the Wrestling Federation of India, has refused to resign, the protesters threatened to continue the stir till they get justice.

India Must Protect the 150 Million Women in the Informal Sector
By Swati Dey
From sexual harassment protections to childcare and social security, women in India’s informal sector are often left outside the scope of government policies.

Indian Journalist Acquitted of Defamation in #MeToo Case
By Associated Press
Priya Ramani was the first of more than 20 women to come forward an allege sexual harassment by M.J. Akbar.

India Unleashes Its Own #MeToo
By Neeta Lal
Across India, women are speaking up with tales of their abuse at the hands of powerful men.
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