India space mission

Measuring the Depth of India’s Space Program
By Namrata Goswami
Where India’s matrix on space power takes the hardest hit is the lack of strategic clarity regarding the “why” of its space policies.

Aditya-L1 Mission: Another Feat for India’s Space Program
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India’s maiden solar mission undertook a journey of around 1.5 million km from Earth, taking 127 days to reach its final destination.

India’s Space Program in 2023: Taking Stock
By Namrata Goswami
2023 witnessed some rather game-changing updates to India’s space vision.

India Makes History; First Country to Touch Down Near Moon’s South Pole Region
By Ashok Sharma
The region’s permanently shadowed craters may hold frozen water that could help future astronaut missions.

India’s Chandrayaan 2 Moon Mission and Its Strategic Impact
By Namrata Goswami and Namrata Goswami
The lunar mission comes amid a changing strategic context for outer space.

Critical Shifts in India’s Outer Space Policy
By Namrata Goswami and Peter Garretson
With forays into manned missions and ASAT tech, India’s space policy is growing with the country’s ambitions.

What’s Next for India’s New Space Ambitions?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi looks to be deepening its focus on this domain, and for good reasons.
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