Indian ban on Chinese apps

TikTok May Be Banned in the US. Here’s What Happened When India Did It.
By Krutika Pathi
In India, the app was banned nearly four years ago. Most users and content creators migrated to other platforms without much trouble.

India Needs a Digital Lawfare Strategy to Counter China
By Arindrajit Basu and Gurshabad Grover
India’s Constitution and legal strictures are rich and should serve as an integral component of India’s strategic toolkit.

China Isn’t Hiding the Border Tensions With India From Its Public Anymore
By Aadil Brar
China has loosened its restrictions on reporting about the border standoff, while still practicing heavy-handed opinion shaping tactics.

India’s Great Firewall Against China Could Backfire
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The ban of Chinese media apps could do little to harm China, but much to dilute India's free society.
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