Indo-China Ties

China Foreign Policy Shift?
Will China tone down its more assertive foreign policy? Straws in the wind suggest that it might.

India Finally Takes a Stand?
India was right to resist Chinese pressure and attend this year’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Liu Xiaobo.

Sarkozy’s India Visit
Nicolas Sarkozy’s India visit struck all the right notes as he backed it for permanent UNSC membership.

India Bolstering Missile Power
Successful testing of the Agni-I and Brahmos missiles underscores India’s growing defence prowess.
India Looks to Sri Lanka
China’s growing strategic assertiveness is encouraging Indian policymakers to boost ties with the neighbours.

China Courts Islamic World
China’s new rail line connecting Mecca with nine holy sites in Saudi Arabia is a project India can learn from.

India’s China Sandwich
A key Chinese official meets Manmohan Singh and Sonia and Rahul Gandhi. Was there some subtle pressure?

India to Lift Vietnam Military Ties
With an eye on China, India’s navy and army are to boost ties with their Vietnamese counterparts.

India: Apples, China: Oranges
Comparing the two countries may be without meaning. But the tendency is likely to stay.

India Navy Plans Sub Buys
Worried by China’s naval rise in the Indian Ocean, India looks to Project-75.

China Waves Red Flag
China’s refusal of a visa to Indian general Lt. B S Jaswal is a new provocation by Beijing.

India Annoys China. Again
Nirupama Rao’s meeting with the Dalai Lama will have annoyed China. It’s tit-for-tat.