
Indo-US nuclear deal

South Asia’s Nuclear Arms Racing

South Asia’s Nuclear Arms Racing

As long as Pakistan feels threatened by India’s superior conventional forces it will likely continue its nuclear build-up. What can the West do?

The Limits to US-India Defence Ties

The Limits to US-India Defence Ties

With an eye on China, the US has been keen to press for closer military co-operation with India. India, though, prefers to hedge its bets.

Accepting a Nuclear India

Accepting a Nuclear India

India shouldn’t have to accept restrictions that don’t apply to other Nuclear Suppliers Group members. It’s time to recognize India’s goodwill—and good record.

India Eyed for US Great Wall Plan?

India Eyed for US Great Wall Plan?

By Robert Dreyfuss
Neoconservatives have urged Barack Obama to boost US defence ties with India to counter China. But the last thing the US needs is a polarized Asia, writes Robert Dreyfuss.

What US Gets Right About Pakistan

What US Gets Right About Pakistan

By Richard Weitz
By publicly acknowledging the price Pakistan pays for its counterterrorism policy, the US is helping untie its leadership’s hands.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How to Fix US-India Ties

How to Fix US-India Ties

The honeymoon between the US and India seems to be over. But there’s plenty that both sides can do to get things back on track.

Asia Steps Up at Nuclear Meet

Asia Steps Up at Nuclear Meet

Last week’s nuclear security summit showed Asian nations are ready to take a lead, says Richard Weitz. There’s a lot to do.

Paying Dividends: The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Four Years On

Paying Dividends: The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Four Years On

Four years after a historic nuclear deal was signed, many in American policy circles deride the agreement as a failure. They’re wrong.

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