Indonesia critical minerals

Vince Beiser on the Race for the Resources That Will Shape the Future
By Catherine Putz
“The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables is a crucial part of the cure for climate change. But it’s a cure with brutal side effects.”

How Indonesia Can Win the Global Race on Critical Minerals
By Brurce Mecca and Azhania N. Siswadi
The country has taken the first steps, but needs a more comprehensive strategy for capitalizing on its abundant natural resource endowment.

The Case for a More Ambitious Indonesia-US Partnership
By Sophie Egar and Joseph Bouchard
The two nations should place sustainable energy and critical minerals at the center of their relationship.

Will US-China Rivalry Spur the Transformation of Indonesia’s Critical Minerals Sector?
By Moch Faisal Karim
Compliance with the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act will be difficult. But it could bring Jakarta considerable long-term benefits.

Addressing Critical Minerals Governance in Indonesia-US Relations
By Bhima Yudhistira, Yeta Purnama, and Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Ahead of President Joko Widodo's visit to Washington, serious obstacles stand in the way of cooperation in the vital minerals sector.

Bleak Prospects for an Indonesia-US FTA on Critical Minerals
By Fajar Hidayat
Indonesia is keen to get increased access to the U.S. market, but China’s heavy presence in the country is causing concern in Washington.
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