
Indonesia energy

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Why Solar Power Could Take Off in Indonesia Soon

Why Solar Power Could Take Off in Indonesia Soon

By James Guild
A new solar farm project could avoid the political economy hurdle that has prevented renewable energy from making headway in the country.
A Turning Point for Renewable Energy in Indonesia?

A Turning Point for Renewable Energy in Indonesia?

By Massita Ayu Cindy and Vivi Fitriyanti
President Jokowi's administration seems poised to break through the regulatory bottlenecks that have long held back the country's renewable energy ambitions.

Did Indonesia Dodge a Bullet With Its Renewable Energy Feed-in-Tariffs?

Did Indonesia Dodge a Bullet With Its Renewable Energy Feed-in-Tariffs?

By James Guild
The state utility PLN might have unwittingly side-stepped a common pitfall of tariff feed-in schemes.

Indonesia Needs to Seek Out Alternative Sources for Biofuel

Indonesia Needs to Seek Out Alternative Sources for Biofuel

By Haryanto and Filda Citra Yusgiantoro
The country has abundant resources of biomass, a great potential source of renewable energy.

What Is the Indonesia Battery Corporation?

What Is the Indonesia Battery Corporation?

By James Guild
Blessed with abundant nickel deposits, the nation hopes to position itself as a global hub of electric vehicle production.
Indonesia’s Looming Energy Challenges

Indonesia’s Looming Energy Challenges

By Septia Supendi
As the country heads to elections next year, assessing progress of the government’s energy policies will be key.

Why Indonesia's Energy Sector Is So Corrupt

Why Indonesia's Energy Sector Is So Corrupt

By Asmiati Malik
The legal framework lends itself to rent-seeking, which now holds the industry hostage.
Under the Radar: Indonesia’s Relations with Algeria

Under the Radar: Indonesia’s Relations with Algeria

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Indonesia-Algeria ties have a long history, and today center on economics and counter-extremism.

The Natunas: Why Is Indonesia Developing A South China Sea Flashpoint?

The Natunas: Why Is Indonesia Developing A South China Sea Flashpoint?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
We need to look beyond the headlines for a realistic assessment of what Jakarta wants and what it might get.

Will Indonesia Return to OPEC?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s energy ministry says it is considering doing so.

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