Indonesia healthcare

Is Southeast Asia’s Healthcare Workforce Ready for Climate Change?
By Gabriela Fernando and Angie Bone
Across the region, it’s never been more critical to cultivate a resilient healthcare workforce capable of addressing climate-induced public health issues.

‘Cigarette Girl’ Is a Big Streaming Hit in Indonesia
By Sribala Subramanian
Is kretek nostalgia undercutting the country's campaign to curb tobacco use?

Without Money For A Funeral, an Indonesian Father Buried His Stillborn Baby in a Freezer Box
By Aisyah Llewellyn
The viral news story provided a stark illustration of the gap between the rhetoric of Indonesian politicians and the realities faced by many ordinary people.

China’s Expanding Health Diplomacy in Indonesia
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
After economics and trade, the health sector has become a priority focus of Beijing's engagement with Southeast Asia's most populous nation.
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