Indonesia inequality

Indonesia: Dividing the Spoils
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Keith Loveard about inequity and his latest book.

The Trouble With Indonesia’s Dual‑Track Vaccination Scheme
By Kevin O'Rourke
The Gotong Royong plan for corporate employees will likely give rise to vivid perceptions among the public that the rich enjoy preferential access to coveted vaccines.

What Do the May 1998 Riots Mean for Young Chinese Indonesians?
By Antonia Timmerman
With handed-down memories, Generation Z tries to answer a question from the past.

The Unequal Impact of Indonesia’s New Year Flood
By Ian Morse
Climate disasters like Jakarta’s deadly flood will continue to exacerbate Indonesia’s urban inequalities.

Indonesia's Flawed Tax Amnesty
By Steven Keithley
The supposed benefits have been marginal, while the feared costs could be debilitating.
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