Indonesia military budget

Where Indonesia’s Presidential Candidates Stand on National Defense
By Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
All three have pledged to expand and modernize the Indonesian National Armed Forces, though it remains to be seen how they would put the idea into practice.

Russia’s War on Ukraine: Lessons for the Indonesian Armed Forces
By Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
The European conflict has laid bare several vulnerabilities in the TNI's modernization plans.

Indonesian Military Modernization: A Race Against Time
By Andi Raihanah Ashar and Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
With the Indonesian government facing a pandemic-induced fiscal squeeze, the military faces a growing competition for financial resources.

Why Indonesia Needs to Expand Its Submarine Fleet
By Muhammad Fauzan Malufti and Alban Sciascia
Given tight budget constraints, submarines offer Indonesia's navy the greatest bang for its buck.

Indonesia’s Naval Modernization in Focus with New Fast Attack Craft Order
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Jakarta continues to add to its capabilities in spite of the challenges that remain.
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