
Indonesia TNI-AL

Beyond Firepower: Rethinking Indonesia’s Surface Vessel Acquisition Priorities

Beyond Firepower: Rethinking Indonesia’s Surface Vessel Acquisition Priorities

By Iqbal Bagus Alfiansyah
In modernizing the Indonesian Navy's surface fleet, Jakarta should anticipate changes to the nature of conflict.
Prabowo’s Global Vision: Can the Indonesian Military Handle the Pressure?

Prabowo’s Global Vision: Can the Indonesian Military Handle the Pressure?

By Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
The new president's ambitious defense diplomacy is placing intense operational demands on the country's armed forces.

Gray Hulls in the Gray Zone: Indonesia’s Conundrum in the South China Sea

Gray Hulls in the Gray Zone: Indonesia’s Conundrum in the South China Sea

By Joseph Kristanto
Due to long-time neglect of its coast guard equivalent, Indonesia has been forced to use its navy to respond to China’s incursions – giving Beijing an excuse to do the same.

The Maritime Implications of Indonesia’s Presidential Election

The Maritime Implications of Indonesia’s Presidential Election

By John Bradford and Waffaa Kharisma
Maritime affairs have not been a major campaign issue, but the three candidates' policies could have far-reaching implications on Indonesian security.

Setting Indonesia’s Navy on a Course Beyond 2024

Setting Indonesia’s Navy on a Course Beyond 2024

By Gilang Kembara
The Minimum Essential Force modernization program ends next year. Does TNI-AL have a plan for what to do next?
Can Bakamla Be at the Forefront of Indonesia’s Natuna Sea Strategy?

Can Bakamla Be at the Forefront of Indonesia’s Natuna Sea Strategy?

By Dedi Dinarto
Scarce resources and inter-agency disputes have hamstrung the development of the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency.

Why Indonesia Needs to Expand Its Submarine Fleet

Why Indonesia Needs to Expand Its Submarine Fleet

By Muhammad Fauzan Malufti and Alban Sciascia
Given tight budget constraints, submarines offer Indonesia's navy the greatest bang for its buck.
What’s in the Indonesia Navy’s New Tank Landing Ship?

What’s in the Indonesia Navy’s New Tank Landing Ship?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at the broader significance of a recent vessel launch.

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