Indonesia under Suharto

The Unresolved Legacy of the May 1998 Riots in Indonesia
By Virdika Rizky Utama
Next year's presidential election is a good time to press for accountability for the violence that accompanied the end of Suharto's New Order.

Human Rights Overlooked as Indonesia's Presidential Election Nears
By Usman Hamid
Both candidates were largely silent on past and current human rights issues in the country.

Earthquake and Tsunami a Deadly Blow to Indonesia's Human Rights Movement
By Vannessa Hearman
The Palu earthquake and tsunami swept away some of Indonesia’s most important human rights activism.

Indonesia's Neverending Freeport-McMoRan Saga
By Nithin Coca
The 50-year relationship between Indonesia and its largest taxpayer comes under scrutiny.

Old Shadows in New Australia-Indonesia Military Spat
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent controversy reveals the distortions that come with viewing new events in light of old shadows about Indonesia’s past.
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