

Vietnam Looks To Go Big on Transport Infrastructure

Vietnam Looks To Go Big on Transport Infrastructure

By James Guild
Investment in infrastructure is vital if Vietnam is to remain on the path to eventual high-income status.
Seeking Capital for the Capital: Will India and China Jointly Fund Amaravati?

Seeking Capital for the Capital: Will India and China Jointly Fund Amaravati?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The story of Amaravati went from a regional tussle to being part of global processes.

Construction of Thailand-China Railway Finally Gets Underway

Construction of Thailand-China Railway Finally Gets Underway

By Luke Hunt
Obstacles, particularly in Laos, persist.

Resilient Infrastructure and Waste Management in India

Resilient Infrastructure and Waste Management in India

By Kris Hartley
Will governments embrace smarter infrastructure or ignore environmental and social welfare?

The US-India-Japan Trilateral: Economic Foundation for a Grand Strategy

The US-India-Japan Trilateral: Economic Foundation for a Grand Strategy

By Hemal Shah
What happens when the world’s oldest, largest, and most responsible democracies meet?
Why Iran Needs to Explore Participation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Why Iran Needs to Explore Participation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

By Sualiha Nazar
Iran, China, and Pakistan stand poised to transform a region.

China’s Maritime Silk Road Gamble

China’s Maritime Silk Road Gamble

By William Yale
The MSR is designed to pacify neighboring countries threatened by China’s territorial claims, but will it work?
China’s Grand Plan for Pakistan’s Infrastructure

China’s Grand Plan for Pakistan’s Infrastructure

By Jack Detsch
President Xi Jinping has inked a deal with Islamabad that could provide Beijing with direct access to the Indian Ocean.

The Surprisingly Mundane Key to Afghan Stability: Roads

The Surprisingly Mundane Key to Afghan Stability: Roads

By Saagar Enjeti
President Ashraf Ghani must convince the U.S. to do more to support the country’s failing roads.

Southeast Asia’s Infrastructure Deficit

Southeast Asia’s Infrastructure Deficit

By Steven Keithley
Many of the region’s economies are being held back by lagging infrastructure.

Laos' Debt Raising Eyebrows

Laos' Debt Raising Eyebrows

As the country undertakes a number of large infrastructure project some wonder if its ambitions outstrip its capabilities.

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

As its rise in the Global Competitiveness Report shows, the economic conditions are improving. Still, many challenges remain.

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