International arbitration

Kazakhstan’s Rule of Law Struggles on the International Stage
By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan's recalcitrant response to international arbitration belies its claims to be a friendly destination for investment.

Turkmenistan Faces 2 New Arbitration Cases
By Catherine Putz
A Turkish and a German company have joined a host of others with arbitration complaints lobbed against Ashgabat.

China's Okinotori Position Reveals an UNCLOS Double Standard
By Ankit Panda
China's position on a remote Japan-held feature reveals an important inconsistency in its approach to international law.

Philippines versus China: Might, Right, and International Law in the South China Sea
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's Ankit Panda, Shannon Tiezzi, and Prashanth Parameswaran discuss the South China Sea.

India's Got a Plan For South China Sea Disputes (And China Won't Like It)
By Ankit Panda
India's got a preferred solution for South China Sea disputes -- and it's not a surprise.
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