
Evaluating Strategies to Address Online Radicalization in Singapore
By Mohamed Bin Ali
The internet has developed into an easily accessible “open university” for hate speech and propaganda.

The Future of Asia’s Battle Against Online Misinformation
By Jeff Paine
Blunt “fake news” legislation is open to easy abuse. There are other good options for tackling the complex problem of misinformation.

Kashmir Internet Shutdown Continues, Despite Supreme Court Ruling
By Justin Sherman
India has the potential to be a global leader in promoting democratic technology norms, but instead it leads the way with internet shutdowns.

Securing Cyberspace: China Leading the Way in Cyber Sovereignty
By Paul R. Burgman, Jr.
The recent leaks of China’s elites’ personal information will harden Beijing’s stance on cyber sovereignty.

China and the East Asian Internet
By Sarah Cook
Internet freedom is coming under increasing pressure across East Asia, but China’s influence has its limits.

The Internet and China-US Relations
By Yang Hengjun
By providing an alternative to mainstream media, the internet can increase mutual understanding.

The Decline of China’s Internet Cafes
Even as the Ministry of Culture tries to consolidate cybercafés, citizens turn to mobile devices to access the internet.

Cambodia's "War" On Internet Cafes
A regulation banning internet cafes near schools is only the latest salvo in Cambodia’s ongoing war on internet freedom.

Vietnam’s War on the Blogosphere
By Bridget O’Flaherty
Despite growing ties with the U.S., a recent self-immolation in Hanoi was emblematic of the country's deteriorating human rights situation and attacks on free speech.

India's Internet Boom at Risk?
India’s Internet economy has been growing fast. But corruption could undermine its future prospects.

India's Internet Revolution?
The number of internet users in India is set to boom. A large chunk of new users will be using smart phones.

China’s Parallel Online Universe
To the casual eye, China’s social media landscape might look diverse and lively. But the social media clones are careful to follow Communist Party censorship.
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