Internet Freedom

Hard Times for Press Freedom in Asia
“Nearly half of the twenty countries with the least amount of press freedom…are located in the Asia-Pacific.”

Sticks and Stones: Reining in Filipino Libel Laws
A provision in the new anti-cybercrime bill is just the latest in a series of excessive libel laws.

Cambodia's "War" On Internet Cafes
A regulation banning internet cafes near schools is only the latest salvo in Cambodia’s ongoing war on internet freedom.

India's Battle for Freedom in Cyberspace
The arrest of two young women over Facebook comments has renewed a much needed debate over internet censorship.

The Information Age:N. Korean Style
The “Hermit Kingdom” has slowly embraced cell phones and cyberspace – on its own terms. Those expecting that technology will lead to a “Pyongyang Spring” will be disappointed.

China, International Law, and Cyberspace
China wants new treaties governing cyberattacks. Could there be an ulterior motive?

Southeast Asia's Internet Dilemma
Surveillance cameras at internet cafés, harsh accountability standards for webmasters and the specter of self-censorship have many questioning the future of Internet freedom.

Weibo Spawns "Wei-diplomacy"
The popular Twitter-like site is used by Chinese citizens, foreign diplomats, and government officials in remarkably innovative ways.

China's Social Media Challenge
Chinese ‘netizens’ are increasingly turning to Weibo and other forms of social media to express themselves.

Is Krishna's Pakistan Trip All Hype?
It increasingly appears that little will get done during the External Affairs Minister’s visit this weekend.

Malaysia's New Internet Law
Owner’s of cyber cafés, mobile phone users, and website administrators could face jail time for allowing “seditious comments.”

India's Internet Freedom Nightmare
India has called out Facebook, Twitter and Google over what it deems to be “objectionable” online content. With recent violence powered through social media, can balance be found?