Photography 101: Be Likeable (?)
I’ve found in my work that people who photograph for a living–and in particular who travel to photograph–often seem to possess a refreshing humility and openness about their work. Perhaps it has to do with a level of wisdom they inevitably gain in
DPRK Art Flash!
A few months ago, I touched on the topic of art in North Korea and more recently also got in touch with Gabriella Coslovich at The Age, who reported (‘North Korean artists not welcome, their ‘propaganda’ is’) on the subject after attending the <a hr

An Interview with Evan Feigenbaum
The Diplomat speaks with Evan Feigenbaum, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and former US deputy assistant secretary of state for South Asia, about regional integration and the future of the US role in the Asia-Pacific.

An Interview With Haider Mullick
The Diplomat speaks with South Asia analyst Haider Mullick about Pakistan’s counter-insurgency efforts, conspiracy theories and the prospects for stability in Afghanistan.
Art Rules
Yesterday I talked about the graffiti movement in Kazakhstan (‘Culture on a Wall’) and its connection to other aspects of the country’s society, including national identity, mainstream pop culture and even art anthropology. So I was pleased to hear t
Culture on a Wall
‘What’s going on in Kazakhstan?’ A passing thought I had recently has led me to discover a few truly amazing things happening in the Central Asian contemporary arts and culture scene. First, I came across a unique and fascinating series of projects
An Interview with Nina Hachigian
The Diplomat speaks with Nina Hachigian, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and co-author of ‘The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise,’ about US president Barack Obama’s recent trip to China, Sino-India tensions and whether China is destined for great power status.
An Interview With Lawrence Prabhakar
The Diplomat speaks with Lawrence Prabhakar, Professor of Political Science at India’s Madras Christian College, about Manmohan Singh’s recent trip to Washington, Indo-US ties and China’s growing maritime presence in the Indian Ocean.
Bhutan Gets Issued: First Ever Women's Magazine Debuts
A pretty remarkable event took place in Bhutan this autumn–the launch of the first women’s magazine in the country. Armed with questions galore, I got in touch with the editor of the magazine, Pema Choden Tenzin, who graciously took the time to humo

An Interview with Howard Dean
The doyen of the Democratic Party discusses Afghanistan, China, North Korea, Obama and the GFC with Daniel Collings.
An Interview with Ahmed Quraishi
The Diplomat speaks with Pakistani commentator Ahmed Quraishi about the country’s current military offensive in Waziristan, relations with the US and what America should do to improve its image in Pakistan.
Design Tokyo Exclusive
I mentioned last week that we could look forward to an exclusive peek into Tokyo Designers Week from Wallpaper* magazine’s Japan correspondent, Gordon Kanki Knight. And despite feeling slightly under-the-weather–likely from all of the running about-