Iran nuclear program

As China Turns Toward Middle East, China and Israel Seek Closer Ties
By Shannon Tiezzi
Israeli President Shimon Peres is visiting China, the latest sign of growing Chinese-Israeli ties.

Near East and Far East: Not So Distant
By Amitai Etzioni
The U.S. should not treat its Asia commitments as distinct from its role in the Middle East.

The Dangers of Lost U.S. Credibility in the Middle East
By Bobby Woods
Washington must take steps to assuage the concerns of friendly nations in the region.

Looking Ahead to Post-Obama U.S.-Iran Relations
By Robert Mason
The nuclear issue may be defused for now, but multiple factors could continue to undermine relations.

Be Wary of Iran’s 'Sweet Reasonableness'
By Narain D. Batra
Iran’s skillful international PR needs to be rigorously tested.

Iran and P5+1 Agree On Implementing Interim Nuclear Deal
By Ankit Panda
Iran and the P5+1 agreed to begin implementing the interim nuclear deal on January 20, 2014.

Attacking Iran is Still a Fool’s Errand
By Zachary Keck
The arguments for a U.S. attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities are as unconvincing as ever.

Twiplomacy and the Iran Nuclear Deal
By Arafat Kabir
Iran’s diplomatic outreach using Twitter has been unprecedented – and successful.

The Iranian Nuclear Question: China’s Perspective
Forget Israel and Iran: China may be the ultimate winner of the recent deal over Iran’s nuclear program

Russia and Iran: A Balancing Act
Moscow seeks to combine pragmatism with maximum leverage, at least until Iran achieves a détente with the West.

The Geopolitics of a US-Iran Détente
Sanctions, centrifuges and personalities aren’t the only forces pushing Iran and the U.S. toward a détente.

America’s Moment of Truth on Iran
The future of America’s standing as a great power depends on the choices it makes in dealing with Iran.