
Iran's Nuclear Program

Why Tehran Loves Iran Hawks

Why Tehran Loves Iran Hawks

By Zachary Keck
However well-intentioned, Iran hawks in the U.S. threaten to advance Tehran's nuclear agenda.

Iran Asks China to Play Larger Role in Nuke Talks

Iran Asks China to Play Larger Role in Nuke Talks

By Zachary Keck
China's new ambassador to Iran previously headed Beijing's delegation to the P5+1 talks.
The US, Iran, and Nuclear Negotiations

The US, Iran, and Nuclear Negotiations

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. Trita Parsi about the recent round of negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran.

Don’t Hold Veterans Hostage to Iran Sanctions

Don’t Hold Veterans Hostage to Iran Sanctions

By Zachary Keck
A GOP amendment in the U.S. Senate would force Democrats to vote on additional Iran sanctions.

Obama Administration is Botching Iran Nuke Talks

Obama Administration is Botching Iran Nuke Talks

By Zachary Keck
By raising the issue of ballistic missiles, the U.S. threatens to undermine the P5+1-Iran negotiations.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why the US Shouldn’t Nuke Iran

Why the US Shouldn’t Nuke Iran

By Zachary Keck
Congressman Duncan Hunter wants to use nuclear weapons against Iran. That's irresponsible and should be repudiated.

An Offer the U.S. Can’t Refuse?

An Offer the U.S. Can’t Refuse?

A P5+1-Iran agreement seems imminent. If reports are accurate, the U.S. cannot afford to reject it.

What Will the IAEA Find At Iran's Parchin Military Base?

What Will the IAEA Find At Iran's Parchin Military Base?

Iran may grant the IAEA entry to a military base it has long-sought unrestricted access to.

Iran Shows Its Hand Before P5+1 Talks?

Iran Shows Its Hand Before P5+1 Talks?

Comments by Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani suggest Iran may be paving the way for a nuclear deal.

Putting Iran’s "Op-Ed Diplomacy" to the Test

Putting Iran’s "Op-Ed Diplomacy" to the Test

Iran’s recent charm offensive is likely a ruse. But the only way to find out is to try diplomacy.

Why Israel Should Support a US-Iran Rapprochement

Why Israel Should Support a US-Iran Rapprochement

Israel’s concerns about a deal between the US and Iran are understandable but misguided.

Will America Seize the Moment on Iran?

Will America Seize the Moment on Iran?

Obama’s reelection and signs of Iranian willingness to end the nuclear standoff might offer some hope towards a compromise.

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