Iran's Nuclear Programme

"Red Lines" On Iran: Not So Black and White
Amid the proliferation of red lines, the important ones are at risk of being opaque or even unintelligible in Tehran.

Nearing A Fait Accompli
“We are approaching a point where…the international community will no longer have any realistic option to veto an Iranian decision to build nuclear weapons.”

The Ball is in Iran’s Court
This week’s P5+1-Iran meeting was highly encouraging but the long shadow of the past looms large.

Getting to the Endgame With Iran
Iran and the P5+1 powers have scheduled talks. Now the hard part begins.

Five Reasons Not to Attack Iran
Iran would likely be a far more formidable adversary than any the United States has faced in decades. The U.S. should be very wary about launching military strikes.
Will Iran Lash Out at Weak Israel?
A cornered Iranian supreme leader might be tempted to boost his domestic standing by lashing out at Israel. Israel is ill-equipped to respond.

China’s Frustrated Iran Diplomacy
China has worked hard behind the scenes to reduce tensions over Iran’s nuclear program. But as political pressure grows in the U.S. for action, will it have been for nothing?

Yes, Obama May Call Iran Strike
A former top Obama adviser on the Middle East says the president is serious when he says all options remain open. Just look at his track record.

Why There’s No Quick Iran Fix
The Diplomat speaks with Joseph Costa, co-director of the Truman National Security Project’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Experts Group, about the future of Iran’s nuclear program.

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?
The U.S. and Israel are widely assumed to be responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Moscow has just as good a motive.

Time for West to Wise Up on Iran
Last week’s assault on the British Embassy was unacceptable. But more sanctions are only going to embolden Iran’s ideologues.

Memo to Iran: Obama Won’t Let It Go
The latest IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program has strengthened the hand of those calling for tougher action. But the U.S. should open the diplomacy door wider.