
Did Iran Carry Out a ‘Surgical Strike’ Inside Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
A recent news report is unlikely to be accurate, not the least because it goes against established patterns of behavior by both countries.

Iran Successfully Launches Military Satellite
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The launch this week is likely to increase not just regional tensions but deepen existing difficulties with the United States.

Growing Iranian Influence in Kargil: Next Irritant for Tehran-New Delhi Relations?
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Iranian influence persists in a remote part of India.

The Ominous Costs of the US Strike on Qassem Solemani for Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan, too, will face consequences as a result of the U.S. decision to strike Gen. Soleimani.

What Iran's Election Means for the World
By Tara Kangarlou
On May 19, Iran's choice is simple: engagement or isolation.

What Does the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Want Out of Iran's Upcoming Elections?
By Heshmat Alavi
How will the IRGC seek to influence Iran's upcoming presidential elections?

Iran Deploys Submarine to India & Sri Lanka
A submarine-escorted naval fleet set sail from southern Iran for Mumbai and Colombo on Wednesday.

Iran and Russia Expand Defense Ties
A number of recent events highlight Tehran and Moscow’s growing military cooperation.

The End of "Death to America" Chants in Iran?
Iran’s iconic “Death to America” chant appears to be falling out of favor among the country’s powerbrokers.

What Iranian Terror Threat?
Contrary to a new U.S. report, 2012 demonstrated both Iran’s limited aims and capability to conduct terrorist attacks.

Why the Revolutionary Guards Do Not Run Iran’s Economy
There has long been a consensus among Western pundits that the IRGC controls Iran’s economy. The truth is much messier.

Why There Was No U.S.-Iran Drone Crisis
The fact that both sides kept Iran’s attack on a U.S. drone quiet until after the American election could signal hope towards compromise.
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