iron ore

The Common (and Overlooked) Underpinnings of Australia’s Economy
By Conor McLaughlin
Much of the discussion about diversification is centered on two overarching premises: China and trade. What does that approach miss?

Commodity Prices: The Cycle Turns?
By Anthony Fensom
Rising commodity prices have given the region’s miners a much-needed boost. Is this really a turning point?

India-China Deficit: Beyond Iron Ore
By Rajrishi Singhal
There's more to the India-China deficit than iron ore.

Commodities Upturn Seen By 2016
By Anthony Fensom
Australian mining analysts are surprisingly optimistic about the outlook for resources.

China Slowdown Cools Commodities
By Anthony Fensom
Weakening demand in China is having significant ramifications for the resources sector, particularly in Australia.

Resources Super Cycle “Far from Over”
Some analysts argue that rumors of the death of the mining boom are exaggerated.

An Uncertain Outlook: Commodity Prices
Some are declaring the boom in resources as ending — the reality is a bit more complex.
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