Islam in Uzbekistan
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Uzbekistan’s Religious Figures React to Karakalpakstan Unrest
By Niginakhon bintu Saida
Given the increasingly prominent role of Islam in Uzbekistan's society, Muslim leaders felt it necessary to chime in on the recent protests.

Uzbekistan’s Second Wives Marry in Secret and Suffer Without Legal Protections
By Niginakhon Uralova
Polygyny is not legal in Uzbekistan, yet some men seek out second wives anyway.

Uzbek Justice Ministry Sounds Alarm Over Divisive Religious Messaging
By Umida Hashimova
The Justice Ministry is alarmed about religious figures whose teachings blur the line between religion, their personal moral views, and the law.

What is Tashkent’s Tolerance for Conservative Islam?
By Umida Hashimova
Uzbekistan defines the tolerance level in free speech and reveals its fear of conservative Islam.

Uzbekistan: Building on Centuries of Inter-Religious Harmony
By Javlon Vakhabov
The new leadership of Uzbekistan is openly tackling a backlog of challenges, including in the field of religious freedoms.

Conservative Religious Bloggers Detained in Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
The arrests cast a pall on Uzbekistan's reform efforts and illustrate the boundaries of Tashkent's tolerance for debate.

St. Petersburg and Stockholm Attacks Put Uzbeks in the News
By Catherine Putz
Two men carried out two attacks, both were Uzbek -- does that matter?
5 Countries Where Freedom of Religion is Threatened
By Catherine Putz
Every Central Asian state has serious issues with freedom of religion, US advisory body says.

Central Asia: Can Secular Islam Survive?
By Erik S. Krausen
Uzbekistan offers insights into secular Islam within Central Asia and the legacy of Soviet influence.
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