Islamic State in Tajikistan

Tajik Islamic State Sympathizer and Attack Ringleader Dies in Prison
By Catherine Putz
Hussein Abdusamadov was the leader, and sole surviving member, of the group of Tajiks who killed four foreign cyclists in the summer of 2018.

More Questions Than Information on Tajikistan Border Post Attack
By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan certainly faces security risks, Islamic State among them. But details on the recent incident are scarce.

Tajikistan’s Prison Riot: More Than Meets the Eye
By Catherine Putz
The details remain fuzzy, but the conclusion is clear: Something is very wrong.

What Really Happened at Khujand Prison in Tajikistan?
By Catherine Putz
It's likely to never be clear, but claims by the Islamic State to be behind the riot make the question critical.

Central Asia Update: Islamic State in Tajikistan and the Trial of Sayragul Sauytbay in Kazakhstan
By Ankit Panda
Catherine Putz joins the podcast to discuss recent developments in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.
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