
Will ASEAN Countries Move Their Capitals?
Amid traffic jams and flooding, could moving a nation’s capital ease the pain?

Ramadan: Indonesian Fundamentalists Target Alcohol and Pornography
Hardliners raid “sinful” establishments as the holy month begins.

A Crime Most Banal: Indonesia’s Human Trafficking Fix
Local governments are struggling to tackle human trafficking inside archipelagic Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Rising Star: Jokowi
Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo, or “Jokowi,” is quickly climbing the political ladder in Indonesia.

The Next Asian Tiger
Peaceful and populous Indonesia is set to buck predictions of a global economic downturn.

Indonesia’s Looming AIDS Crisis
Social stigma, cash-strapped NGOs, and moralising politicians are stopping Indonesia from taking much-needed action to prevent an epidemic.
Islamic Militancy: Jakarta Hits Back
Indonesia’s Detachment 88 counterterrorism unit has had some big successes this year. But are separatist militants down and out?

Indonesia and Free Speech
With Thailand’s woes, eyes have turned to Indonesia as a democracy model for South-east Asia. The censors could change that.