Japan apologies

Abe's Apology: For Americans, Not for Asians
By David Eunpyoung Jee
Why did Abe offer apologies specifically to Americans, but not to Japan's Asian neighbors? In a word: national interest.

What Japan's Abe Should Say About World War II
By Zheng Wang
To apologize or not -- that is the question facing Abe as he prepares for his August 15 address.

Rethinking Japan's Record on Apologies
By Ken Marotte
Although hardly without blemish, Japan has been remarkably forthcoming about its wartime past.

What Japan Cannot Learn from Germany
By Stefano von Loë
Arguments that Japan need only adopt Germany’s attitude to its wartime past overlook a great deal of history.

Why Are Japan’s Apologies Forgotten?
Japan has in fact apologized repeatedly for its wartime past. So why haven’t they resonated?
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