
Japan Article 9

Japan’s Security Choices in an Uncertain East Asia

Japan’s Security Choices in an Uncertain East Asia

By Titli Basu
What kind of Japan will the region have to deal with in the coming decades?
Japan’s Iran Dilemma

Japan’s Iran Dilemma

By Kazuto Suzuki
Regional tensions require a delicate compromise.

Constitutional Revision: A (Tiny) Step Forward for Japan's Self-Defense Forces

Constitutional Revision: A (Tiny) Step Forward for Japan's Self-Defense Forces

By John Wright
Abe’s potential constitutional revision is likely to be underwhelming for the JSDF.

The Quest to Revise Japan's Constitution

The Quest to Revise Japan's Constitution

By Koji Sonoda
The Japan Conference is shaping public opinion using grassroots methods, in tandem with PM Shinzo Abe’s strategy.

Japan Launches New Warship

Japan Launches New Warship

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Japanese shipyard has launched a new minesweeper for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
Japan's Improbable Military Resurgence

Japan's Improbable Military Resurgence

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japanese militarism was buried for good in August 1945 and likely will not rise again.

How Does Japan's LDP Plan to Pass Security Reform?

How Does Japan's LDP Plan to Pass Security Reform?

By Mina Pollmann
With the 60-day rule, the Diet juggles technicalities and the LDP presses forward its bill reinterpreting Article 9.
Japan: From ‘Proactive Pacifism’ to ‘Proactive Diplomacy’

Japan: From ‘Proactive Pacifism’ to ‘Proactive Diplomacy’

By Joseph A. Bosco
The region should welcome greater engagement by democratic Japan.

Aquino Shows Support for Japan in the South China Sea

Aquino Shows Support for Japan in the South China Sea

By Clint Richards
The Philippines is seeking to indirectly link its territorial problems with Japanese normalization.

Japan’s Decision on Collective Self-Defense in Context

Japan’s Decision on Collective Self-Defense in Context

By Kawasaki Akira and Céline Nahory
In the East Asian regional context, Japan’s changing security posture is not the force for peace Tokyo claims it is.

Promise and Potential Peril: Japan’s Military Normalization

Promise and Potential Peril: Japan’s Military Normalization

By Paul J. Leaf
To play a productive role in a tense neighborhood, Tokyo needs to look beyond constitutional interpretations.
Taiwan and Japan’s Collective Self-Defense

Taiwan and Japan’s Collective Self-Defense

By Zachary Keck
Though left unsaid, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan figured prominently into Tokyo’s reinterpretation of Article 9.

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