Japan economic policy

How Did Japan’s Conservatives Fall in Love With Dovish Economic Policy?
By Jio Kamata
For decades, hawkish economic policy was a hallmark of the LDP. Then Abe Shinzo changed the game with “Abenomics.”

What’s Next for Japan’s Economy After Monetary Policy Shift?
By Hans Horan
Japan’s monetary policy shift, ending its experiment with negative interest rates, is unlikely to yield the expected results amid China’s economic stagnation.

Understanding the Paradox of Japan’s Economy
By Zhihai XIE
Even while Japan loses ground relative to other advanced economies, its stock market is soaring.

In Japan, an Uphill Climb for PM Kishida’s ‘New Capitalism’
By Dylan Harris
The Kishida administration is pursuing a more inclusive “stakeholder capitalism,” but aside from its grand vision it doesn’t have many details to offer.

Japan OKs Record $317 Billion Extra Budget for COVID, Economy
By Mari Yamaguchi
The budget largely is to fund COVID-19 measures, including booster shot vaccines and cash payouts.

What to Expect From Japan’s ‘Economic Security’ Legislation
By Daisuke Akimoto
The Kishida administration has emphasized economic security, but what does it mean?

What Is Kishidanomics?
By Daisuke Akimoto and Larissa Stünkel
Can Japan achieve the new prime minister’s plan for income doubling and economic security?

Suganomics: Abenomics Minus Yasukuni?
By Anthony Fensom
Can Japan's new PM get the economy back on track in a nation facing a global pandemic, mounting debt and adverse demographics?

Can Japan’s New Suga Administration Steer the Battered Economy Toward Growth?
By Thisanka Siripala
All eyes are on the Suga administration’s policy agenda after committing to advancing his predecessor’s Abenomics growth strategy.

Interview: Robert Ward and Yuka Koshino on Geo-Economics in East Asia
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Geo-economics can be a subtle tool of statecraft, but not all such tools are benign and their deployment can be destabilizing for countries as well as the international system.

Japan’s Economy Shrinks 7 Percent in Last Quarter, Risks Recession
By Associated Press
Japan's first economic contraction in more than a year started even before the coronavirus panic.

No Rest For Reform As Japan’s Economy Surges Ahead
By Anthony Fensom
Tokyo beat growth expectations last quarter -- scoring a sixth straight quarter of growth. But there's more work to do.
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