Japan-Europe relations

Decoding Japan Foreign Minister Kamikawa’s Tour of Africa, Europe, and South Asia
By Rishi Gupta
Across this diverse geography, countering Chinese influence is one of Tokyo’s cardinal interests.

An Unexpected Ally: Japan’s Up-and-Coming Partnership With the EU
By Emese Schwarcz
The most recent Japan-EU agreement cements an all-around partnership between the two.

Japan and Europe’s Triple Partnership
By Andrei Lungu
Parsing the new EU-Japan strategic, economic and digital agreements.

The EU-Japan Partnerships: Advancing the Abe Doctrine?
By Edward Danks
Analyzing the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) in context.

German Foreign Minister Wants to Forge ‘Alliance of Multilateralists’ With Japan
By Daniel Hurst
Heiko Maas calls for the countries to cooperate against threats from North Korea, Russia, China -- and the U.S.

What Was Japan's Prime Minister Doing in Eastern Europe?
By Thisanka Siripala
Shinzo Abe strengthens diplomatic and business ties with Baltic and Eastern European nations.

Does Japan Need to Be More Assertive With Europe?
By Jonathan Davis
It is time for Tokyo be clear on what it wants from relations with Europe.

EU-Japan FTA Negotiations: Ready for Prime Time
The talks are very much under the radar, but success would have benefits for both sides.
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