Japan Myanmar coup response

Japan-Trained Myanmar Air Force Officer Took Part in Bombing Raids: Activists
By Sebastian Strangio
According to Human Rights Watch and Justice for Myanmar, Lt. Col. Hlwan Moe was hosted by Tokyo's Air Command and Staff College in 2016-17.

On Myanmar, Japan Must Lead by Example
By Yusuke Watanabe
“Japan must position itself as a bridge between the Tatmadaw and the United States and other democratic countries rather than blindly aligning itself with the Western policy of regime change.”

Can Japan’s ‘Invisible’ Diplomacy Help Solve the Myanmar Crisis?
By Keiho Sasamori
Japan has been criticized for seeming inaction following the coup and ensuring crackdown. But there are hints Tokyo is taking action behind the scenes.

Japan’s Myanmar Missteps Are Damaging Its Image
By Keiho Sasamori
Myanmar’s people had high hopes for the Japanese government’s response to the coup. They are rapidly losing faith.
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