
Japan-North Korea abduction issue

Japan and North Korea Need to Start a New Chapter

Japan and North Korea Need to Start a New Chapter

By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
Can the leaders of the two countries part ways with their respective predecessors?

How Likely Is a Japan-North Korea Summit?

How Likely Is a Japan-North Korea Summit?

By Cao Nguyen Khanh Huyen
Unless Japan can truly offer progress on Pyongyang’s vital concerns, a bilateral summit is unlikely to materialize.
North Korea Says Japan’s Prime Minister Offered to Meet With Leader Kim Jong Un Soon

North Korea Says Japan’s Prime Minister Offered to Meet With Leader Kim Jong Un Soon

By Hyung-jin Kim and Kim Tong-hyung
Japan acknowledged it has been trying to arrange a bilateral summit but dismissed North Korea’s preconditions for such a meeting as unacceptable.

Will Kim Jong Un Meet With Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida?

Will Kim Jong Un Meet With Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida?

By Mitch Shin
Amid the stalled nuclear talks between the U.S. and North Korea, Japan seeks to hold a summit meeting with North Korea.

A Message to Kim Jong Un From Mother of Japanese Girl Abducted by North Korea in 1977

A Message to Kim Jong Un From Mother of Japanese Girl Abducted by North Korea in 1977

By Takahashi Kosuke
The mother of Yokota Megumi, the most famous of the Japanese civilians abducted by North Korea, continues to push for her daughter's return.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Abe Shinzo and the North Korean Abduction Issue

Abe Shinzo and the North Korean Abduction Issue

By Thisanka Siripala
The former prime minister’s all-or-nothing approach may have stymied progress on the unresolved North Korean abductions of Japanese nationals.

Explaining the Impasse in Japan’s Relations with North Korea

Explaining the Impasse in Japan’s Relations with North Korea

By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
Pyongyang is dismissive of Tokyo, but the latter still has an important card to play.
Japan Pushes for Its Own North Korea Summit

Japan Pushes for Its Own North Korea Summit

By Daniel Hurst
Shinzo Abe now says he would meet with Kim Jong Un without any preconditions – a change from Tokyo’s previous position.

Japan’s Diplomatic Policy Outline Reveals Shifts on North Korea, Russia

Japan’s Diplomatic Policy Outline Reveals Shifts on North Korea, Russia

By Daniel Hurst
Tokyo appears to be giving itself more room to negotiate on longstanding issues.

Japan Takes Small Step Toward Diplomacy With North Korea

Japan Takes Small Step Toward Diplomacy With North Korea

By Daniel Hurst
By stepping back from an annual UN resolution on North Korean human rights, Tokyo is sending a signal to Pyongyang.

Japan Gives Trump a Thumb's Up for Hanoi Summit

Japan Gives Trump a Thumb's Up for Hanoi Summit

By Daniel Hurst
Shinzo Abe expressed his support for the decision to leave the US-North Korea summit with no deal.
The Second Trump Kim Summit: No Good Option for Japan?

The Second Trump Kim Summit: No Good Option for Japan?

By Yuki Tatsumi
Realistically, the best Japan can hope for is a least-bad outcome.

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