Japan-North Korea relations

North Korea Warns Against Japan’s New Security Strategy
By Mitch Shin
After Tokyo announced its new security strategy, Pyongyang threatened to take a “decisive military step” in response.

Abe Shinzo and the North Korean Abduction Issue
By Thisanka Siripala
The former prime minister’s all-or-nothing approach may have stymied progress on the unresolved North Korean abductions of Japanese nationals.

Explaining the Impasse in Japan’s Relations with North Korea
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
Pyongyang is dismissive of Tokyo, but the latter still has an important card to play.

Japan Backward in Coming Forward on US-North Korea
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
At a time of stalemate, the Suga administration seems unwilling to take the initiative.

How Japan Talks About Security Threats
By Eitan Oren and Matthew Brummer
The particulars of the language used to describe rivals are important to understanding Japan’s threat assessments and policy goals.

North Korean Media Criticizes Japan’s NHK for False Missile Alert
By Ankit Panda
The Korean Central News Agency, in a commentary, accused the Japanese broadcaster of an “ulterior motive.”

North Korea‘s Warning to Japan‘s Abe on Ballistic Missiles Should Be Taken Seriously
By Ankit Panda
Is North Korea warning Japan of launches to come?

Abe Administration Left Behind on North Korea
By Atsuhito Isozaki
The Japanese government has limited options for dealing with its bellicose neighbor.

Japan Pushes for Its Own North Korea Summit
By Daniel Hurst
Shinzo Abe now says he would meet with Kim Jong Un without any preconditions – a change from Tokyo’s previous position.

Legacy Comes First in Abe’s Foreign Policy
By James D. J. Brown
Abe’s hasty pursuit of a legacy makes Japanese foreign policy look unprincipled and weak.

Japan’s Diplomatic Policy Outline Reveals Shifts on North Korea, Russia
By Daniel Hurst
Tokyo appears to be giving itself more room to negotiate on longstanding issues.

Japan Takes Small Step Toward Diplomacy With North Korea
By Daniel Hurst
By stepping back from an annual UN resolution on North Korean human rights, Tokyo is sending a signal to Pyongyang.