
Japan nuclear energy

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Plotting Japan's Energy Future

Plotting Japan's Energy Future

By Peter Bungate
Japan confirms role of renewables and nuclear as the 5th Strategic Energy Plan is approved by the Japanese Cabinet.
Meltdown Imminent? The Decline of Japan’s Nuclear Export Industry

Meltdown Imminent? The Decline of Japan’s Nuclear Export Industry

By Tom Corben
Cost overruns and declining credibility threaten to derail Tokyo’s nuclear export ambitions.

Japan’s Nuclear Exports: Risky Business

Japan’s Nuclear Exports: Risky Business

By Tom Corben
A burgeoning nuclear export portfolio carries with it significant risks and responsibilities.

Is Japan’s 'Nuclear Allergy' Being Cured?

Is Japan’s 'Nuclear Allergy' Being Cured?

By Aron Woonink
President Trump’s rhetoric and a highly threatening North Korea are chipping away at Japan's nuclear neuralgia.

Japan’s Nuclear Power Program: A Strategic Paradox?

Japan’s Nuclear Power Program: A Strategic Paradox?

By Tom Corben
Prospective reforms to Japan’s military posture mask the strategic vulnerability of Japan’s nuclear reactors.
Nuke or No Nuke? Japan’s Long Dilemma

Nuke or No Nuke? Japan’s Long Dilemma

By Yo-Jung Chen
The discreet temptation for a national nuclear deterrent has persisted for decades.

Why Japan's Rokkasho Nuclear Reprocessing Plant Lives On

Why Japan's Rokkasho Nuclear Reprocessing Plant Lives On

By Todd Crowell
The central and local governments are too invested in Rokkasho to give up on the project.
Japan: How Energy Security Shapes Foreign Policy

Japan: How Energy Security Shapes Foreign Policy

By Mina Pollmann
Jane Nakano on Japan's energy policy and its approach to the Middle East, Russia, and the South China Sea.

Japan's Nuclear Safety Problems Remain Five Years After Fukushima

Japan's Nuclear Safety Problems Remain Five Years After Fukushima

By Ryan Shaffer
Despite some improvements, there are still lingering issues that need to be addressed.

Beware Japan’s Coming Nuclear Problem: Report

Beware Japan’s Coming Nuclear Problem: Report

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Tokyo’s coming plutonium glut could pose nuclear dangers, a new report warns.

Who Landed a Radioactive Drone on Shinzo Abe's Roof?

Who Landed a Radioactive Drone on Shinzo Abe's Roof?

By Mina Pollmann
A man claims he landed the drone on Abe's office roof to protest plans to restart nuclear power plants.
Interview: Japan’s Post-Nuclear Future

Interview: Japan’s Post-Nuclear Future

By Clint Richards
The Wall Street Journal’s Mari Iwata speaks about the future of Japan’s energy industry.

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