
Japan nuclear restart

Who Landed a Radioactive Drone on Shinzo Abe's Roof?

Who Landed a Radioactive Drone on Shinzo Abe's Roof?

By Mina Pollmann
A man claims he landed the drone on Abe's office roof to protest plans to restart nuclear power plants.

Local Rifts on Display in Japan’s Nuclear Restart

Local Rifts on Display in Japan’s Nuclear Restart

By Clint Richards
Which communities are allowed to decide on reactivation is likely to be a long-term issue.
Yuko Obuchi Resignation and Japan’s Nuclear Strategy

Yuko Obuchi Resignation and Japan’s Nuclear Strategy

By Clint Richards
How her resignation will affect her Cabinet portfolio.

Predicting Volcanoes a Risky Game for Japan’s Reactors

By Clint Richards
A catastrophic eruption may not accommodate Kyushu Electric’s five-year removal timeline.

Abe May Issue “Guarantees” for Nuclear Plants

Abe May Issue “Guarantees” for Nuclear Plants

By Clint Richards
A legal restart is complicated by the government’s own guidelines, popular sentiment and poor cleanup.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Japan Will Drive Global LNG Growth

Why Japan Will Drive Global LNG Growth

By Clint Richards
There is little reason to expect Japan’s reactors will offset its voracious new appetite for LNG.

Polls Give Abe a Bump, But Not on Collective Self-Defense

Polls Give Abe a Bump, But Not on Collective Self-Defense

By Clint Richards
Polls indicate dissatisfaction with Abe’s main policies, but lack of opposition probably means no change.
Persistent Nuclear Waste From Fukushima Inhibits Restarts

Persistent Nuclear Waste From Fukushima Inhibits Restarts

By Clint Richards
Fukushima’s long-term problems will make public acceptance of a general nuclear restart difficult.

Japan’s Reactors Are Holding Trade Underwater

Japan’s Reactors Are Holding Trade Underwater

By Clint Richards
The impact of a non-nuclear Japan will be a significant drag on the economic recovery.

The First Steps of Japan’s Nuclear Restart

The First Steps of Japan’s Nuclear Restart

By Clint Richards
With regulatory approval imminent, the public has one month to voice concerns and shape the outcome.

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