Japan Official Security Assistance (OSA)

Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands
By Céline Pajon
The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.

The Role of Malaysia in Japan’s New Security Strategy
By Collins Chong Yew Keat
Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s recent visit to Malaysia highlighted a growing area of cooperation between the two countries.

Japan, Philippines Agree to Intensify Defense Cooperation
By Takahashi Kosuke
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Manila saw the continued expansion of Japan-Philippines military cooperation.

PM Hasina’s Upcoming Visit to Japan Highlights a Growing Defense Relationship
By Delwar Hossain
The geopolitical situation is bringing out the strategic aspects of Bangladesh-Japan relations, including a new focus on security cooperation.

Japan’s Official Security Assistance: The Sleeping Giant Stirs?
By James Kaizuka
Tokyo’s new security framework plays to Japan’s existing strengths by deepening existing partnerships, but remains constrained by long-standing norms and sensitivities.
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